Kids first corner

Handwashing: The family in action

A photo showing step by step how to wash hands properly

Handwashing is very essential in our daily routine. It's cheap, easy, and effective to get rid of the virus, bacteria, and germs that cause diseases like cold, flu, or diarrhea. Handwashing keeps us healthy so that we can continue with our daily life like going to school or work.

Help your child develop handwashing skills

Parents and guardians play an important role in teaching kids the proper way of handwashing most especially in our daily routine. The key to maintaining a lifelong habit is by doing it every day at an early age. Teach them how to properly wash their hands and when to do so.

Frequent reminder

Your child will need to be reminded regularly when and how to wash their hands, so it takes time to build a habit. Once it becomes a habit, it will be part of their lives forever. It's very important to remind them to wash their hands after using the bathroom, before eating, after playing outside, after coughing or sneezing, before manipulating foods when cooking, after playing with pets, before playing with babies, and every time we see our hands dirty.

Lead by example

Children learn by imitating others. Set an example by washing your hands for them to follow.

Best practice

The best way to keep your hands clean is to wash them with water and soap. But if these two are not available, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Just remember to wash your hands with water and soap as soon as you can.

Remember HANDWASHING is a lifetime habit to keep you healthy and clean at school, in the house, or in the playground!



Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


Smile and Learn

Balance diet for kids and how it can cure diseases

Healthy food pyramid for toddlers

A balance diet is one of the keys to good health and well-being. It includes a variety of foods in adequate amounts, depending on the characteristics of each person (age, stage of life, sex, constitution, etc.), and their lifestyle (sedentary, active, etc.).

By eating the right food and the right amount can help in someone's growth and development, can prevent diseases, and promote the cure of many disorders.

The child's diet

A balance diet for a child's needs should provide an average of 1000 to 1,300 calories a day, divided as follows:

  • 50% of complex sugar or Carbohydrates (cereals, potatoes, rice...).
  • 20% of unsaturated fats (fish, olive oil, vegetable oils ...).
  • 10% of simple sugar (sugar, fruits, honey (consult your pediatrician)...).
  • 10% of saturated fats (butter, cheese, and other food derived from animals).
  • 10% of proteins (from animals and vegetables).

Vitamins and minerals should be added to their balanced diet. They provide substances that are essential to their growth and development.

Meal balance

A child's daily food intake should have the proper amount to achieve a healthy balanced diet.

  • Breakfast

    Rich and complete meal and should provide 25% of the total calories needed for the day.

  • Lunch and dinner

    Should provide 30% of the calories respectively.

  • Snacks

    Only 5% of the daily calories.

Food can cure diseases

To cure diseases by eating food can sound a little strange. But it's true. Having a healthy and balanced diet can provide the nutrients and energy for our daily needs, and promote and accelerate the recovery from any disorders.

  • Cough and cold

    Vitamin C, A, and E are the defenders of our body and can guarantee full and effective protection against viruses and bacterias.

    • Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C reinforces the defense ability of the white blood cells, helping our body to stop the attack of viruses and bacterias.
    • Vitamin A provides a defense for the respiratory organs, helping our pulmonary membranes.
    • Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is very important for our lungs' defenses, especially against the harms of air pollution.

    Preferred food: Fruits and vegetables, such as yellow pumpkin, red cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, citric fruits, nuts, and olive oil.

  • Constipation

    The best thing to do is to increase the intake of food rich in fiber and to consume a lot of liquid.

    Preferred food: Bread, integral rice, spinach, lettuce, strawberries, green peas, lentils, chickpeas... For the liquid intake, it includes a lot of water, and of course natural fruit juice.

  • Vomiting and diarrhea

    When a child is suffering diarrhea and some cases vomiting, most often they lose their appetite. So the child shouldn't eat much. But it's very important to watch their hydration level. It's advisable to give them lots of liquids like water with electrolytes, etc.

    Preferred food: boiled rice, yogurt, apples, banana, carrot juice...


"Recetas para bebes y niños" (Recipes for babies and children)

Del 1 a 5 años

Mi bebe y yo

Sfera Editores España, S.L.U.
