Kids first corner

Tri-Color Pasta Salad

This recipe is very nutritious and energetic. If you eat well-chilled in summer, it is perfect for after a morning at the beach or after swimming in the pool. But it can also be eaten warm or hot at any time of the year!


Servings: 4 persons

  • 200 g of macarron pasta (short)
  • 350 g of tomatoes
  • 200 g of zucchini
  • 150 g of "mozzarella"
  • 80 g of green peas
  • 5 tbsp of olive oil
  • Basil fresh leaves
  • Salt


  1. In a large saucepan, boil the pasta with plenty of salted water.
  2. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water for a few seconds, peel them, add two tablespoons of oil. Remove the seeds and cut them into cubes.
  3. Cut the "mozzarella" in cubes too. Mix them with the tomatoes in a large salad bowl.
  4. Cut the ends of the zucchini and chop them. A minute before the pasta is cooked, pour the zucchini together with the green peas into the boiling water with the pasta.
  5. Drain the pasta with the vegetables, add two tablespoons of olive oil and leave them to cool down.
  6. Put the ingredients into the large salad bowl with the tomatoes and "mozzarella" and complete with three tablespoons of olive oil, a pinch of salt and, a little chopped fresh basil.
  7. Mix well and serve. Enjoy!
Pasta Salad with vegetables
Did you know that... Using the different colors of food is an effective method to prepare a balanced menu and to prepare cheerful and appetizing dishes for the little ones. The color is not only to make the dishes more attractive but also reveals important nutritional characteristics of the food, especially in the case of fruits and vegetables. For example, red is antioxidant; orange protects from ultraviolet rays and improves vision; green protects against the risk of heart attack and purple improves circulation; yellow protects the eyes from any kind of disease.

"Recetas para bebes y niños" (Recipes for babies and children)

Del 1 a 5 años

Mi bebe y yo

Sfera Editores España, S.L.U.

Rice and spinach soup

A dish that everyone will like in winter, especially when the soup is warm, with a mild flavor, and very easy to eat. If the little ones like soup, this is the best dish for them. If not, it's time to start to taste this yummy dish.


Servings: 4 persons

  • 250 g of pumpkin without rind and without seeds
  • 120 g of rice
  • 100 g of fresh spinach
  • 80 g of onion
  • 1.5l of water
  • 30 g of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of grated cheese
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt


  1. Cut the onion into thin slices and brown them in a frying pan with two tablespoons of olive oil.
  2. Add the diced pumpkin and let it take on flavor for a few minutes.
  3. Then add a liter and a half of water. Rectify the salt, cover, and bring to a boil for about 50 minutes.
  4. Add the rice and spinach, well washed, and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
  5. Turn off the heat and add butter and two tablespoons of grated cheese.
  6. Rectify the salt. Serve the soup warm.
Someone holding a bowl of spinach
Did you know that... Spinach is among the healthiest and most appreciated vegetables, given it has many beneficial properties. They are very rich in vitamins and minerals, such as magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium, in addition to being one of the vegetables with the highest iron content. They are very essential for anemia, physical or mental fatigue. Pediatricians and nutritionists advise introducing them from the very first year of your child.

"Recetas para bebes y niños" (Recipes for babies and children)

Del 1 a 5 años

Mi bebe y yo

Sfera Editores España, S.L.U.

Wrapped Sea Bass

Your child will have a great time unwrapping these silver packets. But the best part of all is the delicious taste of this different and healthy way of eating fish.


Servings: 4 persons

  • 21 sea bass (about 800 g)
  • 20 g of peeled onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Ground fennel
  • 1 piece of tomato
  • 125 ml of dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons of virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Clean the sea bass and dry it well with a paper towel.
  2. Season the fish inside and arrange it on a piece of aluminum foil.
  3. Cut the onion into slices and cover the fish with them.
  4. Sprinkle with fennel and add two garlic cloves, salt, and pepper.
  5. Garnish with the tomato cut into slices and water it with half a glass of wine and two tablespoons of olive oil.
  6. Cover the fish with another piece of aluminum foil and form a closed chamber, joining the edges of the two pieces of paper.
  7. Put the fish in the oven, preheated to 180 °, for about 30 minutes.
  8. Serve on a plate and enjoy unwrapping. Just be careful it's a little bit hot.
Fresh fishes
Did you know that... With this technique, the food is cooked in its own juice, so that the mineral salts remain practically intact, as long as the cooking juice is consumed, fewer vitamins are lost than with other techniques. This way of cooking can be applied to fish and vegetables, like potatoes.

Fish is a very rich source of noble proteins, compared to meat, and it is also rich in useful minerals, such as phosphorus and iodine, a very important element for the functioning of the thyroid gland and for your child's growth. Fish meat is digestive, tender, can be chewed easily, and contains less fat than meat, and they are also of better quality! Some of the most suitable fish for children are grouper, sole, sea bass, trout, hake, or sea bream. They are all healthy and lean.

"Recetas para bebes y niños" (Recipes for babies and children)

Del 1 a 5 años

Mi bebe y yo

Sfera Editores España, S.L.U.

Homemade Ham Croquettes

These homemade ham croquettes are not difficult to do, although it takes time in making them. With a little patience and tons of love, you'll come out with the most delicious and healthy croquettes for your kids.


Servings: 4 persons

  • 250 g of ham (minced)
  • 20 g of onion (minced)
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 50 g of flour
  • 40 g of olive oil
  • 3 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Salt and pepper


  1. Heat the milk without boiling it. Set aside.
  2. Peel the onion and mince it as small as possible. Put olive oil on a saucepan and fry the onions until light brown.
  3. Pour in the flour and toast for 3 or 4 minutes. Stir once in a while. This step is very important so that the croquettes do not taste like raw flour.
  4. Pour at once the heated milk. Do not stop stirring until the mixture is thickened. Add the minced ham and mix well.
  5. Put the dough into a container and let it cool to easily form the croquettes.
  6. On a plate put quite a lot of breadcrumbs, and beat the three eggs in a bowl.
  7. Once it's cooled down, shape the croquettes with the help of two spoons. Put it through the breadcrumbs, dip it on the eggs, and again through the breadcrumbs. Finish shaping it with your hands. Put them on a plate.
  8. The secret of frying the croquettes is frying them on a very hot vegetable cooking oil, for lesser oil, crispier on the outside, and creamier on the inside. Fry them four by four so that it's equally cooked and the oil does not get cold.
  9. Once they turn into golden brown, it is ready to be served. Enjoy!
A glass and a bottle of milk on a table
Did you know that... Milk is a nutrient-rich beverage that has many benefits for everyone's health. It’s packed with important nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, potassium, and vitamin D. It's also an excellent source of protein.

Drinking milk and dairy products is very important for your child’s growth. Milk makes their bone strong so it prevents future bone fractures, it also prevents osteoporosis when they grow up, and it even helps to maintain a healthy weight.

Peque Recetas

Benefit of milk