Online Cooking Class

Healthy cooking classes for kids and for the whole family

Benefits of cooking healthy foods with kids

KIDS first offers online cooking classes for the whole family especially to the little ones in the house. It provides good benefits to your child's growth and development and it teaches loads of skills to the rest of the family as well.

Family Bonding

Enjoying and creating happy memories by cooking healthy foods all together in the family.

Healthy Eating

Helps them learn about healthy foods, new tastes, the delicious smells of newly cooked food, and all the nutritional benefits in our body.

A girl eating spaghetti
Two kids washing their hands

Life Skill Development

Increases their ability to read, count, write, motor skills, scientific concepts, organization and to follow simple instructions at an early age.


Teaches them to clean their hands before food manipulation, to wash all the food and tools used in cooking, and to tidy up the working area.

Self Confidence

Finishing a small task, even the simplest one, like whisking an egg, will boost their level of self confidence and self esteem.

Teamwork and Social Skills

Provides a happy family conversation and it teaches the kids to work hand in hand with one another to finish a task.

Children are happy preparing foods
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